• وبلاگ : قصر شيشه اي
  • يادداشت : روز بين المللي «نوروز»
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 2 عمومي

  • نام:
    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    In 1854, Louis vuitton bags began architecture his own aggregation which focused on designing luggage.He connected to architecturelouis vuitton for a abundant accord of time and began creating handbags in 1892 which of advance is what the aggregation is acclaimed for today.

    سلام عزيزم.مرسي از حضورت.با كامنتت خيلي خوشحالم كردي.دوستت دارم.منم لينكت كردم